OK then, I’ve had a little more time to research and think about yesterday’s blog post, which seized upon the Chris Titus install/update/tweak PowerShell script as a way to get Neofetch installed on Windows. It most assuredly works, but there are easier ways to get this done. Indeed, with the right knowledge and syntax, WinGet installs Neofetch directly. Here’s the syntax:
WinGet install Neofetch
You can see that in the lead-in screengrab. It shows that WinGet knows about a package named neofetch-win with an associated ID of nepnep.neofetch-win. Indeed, that turns out to be the key to finding this project at GitHub. Turns out that nepnep39 is the developer’s handle, and neofetch-win is the name of this GitHub project.
Why WinGet Installs Neofetch Directly
TLDR answer: because the developer has created a package definition for neofetch-win that’s known to WinGet. Indeed, I got the simplest possible syntax shown in the lead graphic from the GitHub project’s README file. Who knew? A lot of people, apparently (he thanks visitors for 50K downloads in March 2024). But alas, not yours truly until yesterday. Sigh.
There’s another way to use WinGet to install Neofetch, also shown in the lead-in graphic, albeit indirectly. You can use the ID mechanism as well, to wit:
WinGet install --id nepnep.neofetch-win
This approach specifically calls out the package by its full ID string, as registered in the WinGet package database.
Even GitHub Provides More Ways
If you visit the “Latest” release page for neofetch-win at GitHub (1.2.1 as I write this), you’ll also find links to an .exe file and an MS Installer (.msi) file there. They work, too, to provide access to this nifty little tool from the UNIX/Linux world.
Where there’s a will to use WinGet, it’s often possible to find a way to exercise same. In this case, I simply needed to find the right handle. It must’ve been too obvious for me, but now I know how to get there from here. And so do you… But heck, based on nepnep39’s March 2024 thankyou, maybe you already did.