OK, as I was trolling ElevenForum.com last week, I noticed a reference to the Icelandic domain-based site, Time.is. You can see its home page as the lead-in graphic for this blog post. In fact, Time.is offers fast accurate friendly time on the web. It has a for-a-fee iPad app, and is working on equivalents for Android, iOS, Windows and Firefox OS. I find it strangely addicting, personally…
Because Time.is Offers Fast Accurate Friendly Time: Use It!
In checking out the site, WhoIs reports its domain name has a 2009 creation date. Despite an Icelandic suffix (.is), it’s registered from Norway. DNS operator CloudFlare provides speedy access and name resolution. Obviously, Time.is has been around a while.
But, because I just discovered it recently, I’m sharing that info with my readers. I’m hoping it generates more of a “Gee, interesting!” reaction, rather than “Ho hum.” That said, here’s some data from the Time.is About page:
- Time.Is offers “the most accurate, the most reliable, and the most user-friendly source of time and time-related information on the web.”
- Local Time appears for your current or chosen location, without accessing the device clock
- Device clock drift comes from an atomic clock that Time.is operates
- Reported time is updated precisely at the beginning of each second. This prevents 1- or 2-second jumps when synch drifts far enough to need adjustment.
- Time formats are designed to be mobile device friendly
- Lots of other time info is available including a calendar, sunrise/sunset times, time zone info, lat/long info, and more
If you’re not already using Time.is it’s worth a visit. If you’re a time junkie like yours truly, you’ll need no further convincing to keep coming back. Enjoy!