Now that I’ve used the “oh-my-posh enable upgrade” command to enable auto-upgrades on my various production and test PCs, I need to know how to check which version I’m running. Indeed, I’m conducting what I call an “OhMyPosh version check plus” on those machines, to make sure everything is up to snuff. Along the way, I’ve learned a few things…
Conducting OhMyPosh Version Check Plus
The — version parameter shows which version of OMP is currently running, as you can see in the lead-in graphic. This confirms that the “enable upgrade” command is working and that I’m running the most current version. You can always double-check by visiting the OMP GitHub repository and matching up with its latest release info.
You can see that the “Latest” version value matches what’s installed.
I really, really appreciate all the great work that developer Jan DeDobbeleer has done to make this environment attractive, stable, and easy to use. All I can say is keep up the good work!
Holiday Check-Out Starts Tomorrow
I’m taking some time away from blogging and work to enjoy the end-of-year holidays with my family. That starts tomorrow. I’ll be back on December 28, ready to bag and describe Windows issues and answers as they strike me. Let me wish you and yours the best of times, ample relaxation, and lots of good eats as we go off to do our own things until then. Cheers!