Dear Readers:
This weekend, my Webmaster (Rebekkah Hilgraves, the lovely and talented proprietress of SheTech) and I decided to make the switch from the old Website to the new site you’re looking at right now. Along the way, we made lots of interesting platform changes and design decisions. What you’re looking at right now is a WordPress-based Website, but one that uses a customized design with heavily customized CSS to present just the kind of look and feel that I thought long and hard about, and that Rebekkah’s superior design sense and skills implemented for me as you see here. Rebekkah started with the standard WordPress Graphene theme, then customized appearance and functionality via CSS to give me just the kind of site functions I really wanted. I hope you’ll enjoy the new look and feel, but that you’ll also provide us with feedback if you see anything that needs work, deserves fixing, or requires correction (contact me or Rebekkah with your input, please).
What’s you’ll find in these pages is:
- Migrated content from my former Windows 7 vanity site, including all of my blogs and articles. It morphed from its predecessor,, and those archives remain available here too (see the Win7View pane in the left-hand menu on this page).
- Featured Sites provides pointers to my current blogs for (Enterprise Windows Desktop and IT Career JumpStart) each of which I post on three times weekly, along with my once-a-week blog for called IT Certification Success. There’s even a one-a-month blog on the site for the latest edition of my best-ever selling book, HTML, XHTML, and CSS For Dummies (co-authored with Jeff Noble, and fresh out the gate in January 2011). You can also grab RSS feed for those blogs, too, if you like. As new blogs come, or old ones go, I’ll keep these links current so you can always access my recent work through them.
- We also have list of featured books you can browse through (and order from Amazon, too, if you like).
- The menu bar at the top of the page takes you to my About page, the Services page, my rate sheet, and my current contact information
I hope you’ll enjoy the new look and feel and come back from time to time to catch up with my weekly blogs here, too, as well as updates about my writing, teaching, and other professional activities. Thanks for visiting, and hope to see you back here again soon.