When you think about it, here’s a sensible move. Windows Server is the kind of platform that organizations want to stand up, get right, and leave alone. There’s little need for personalization, and it doesn’t need desktop tweaks. In fact, Server is really a background thing. It holds up the “you ask, I answer” side of client/server. architecture. Then, too, MS put containers and microservices under the Azure umbrella. That’s why, I think, that MS makes LTSC sole Windows Server Release channel.
Why MS Makes LTSC Sole Windows Server Release Channel
A July 26 Microsoft Docs item spells things out. It’s entitled Windows Server release information. This quote explains things (emphasis mine):
The Semi-Annual Channel in previous versions of Windows Server focused on containers and microservices, and that innovation will continue with Azure Stack HCI. With the Long-Term Servicing Channel, a new major version of Windows Server is released every 2-3 years. Users are entitled to 5 years of mainstream support and 5 years of extended support. This channel provides systems with a long servicing option and functional stability, and can be installed with Server Core or Server with Desktop Experience installation options. The Long-Term Servicing Channel will continue to receive security and non-security updates, but it will not receive the new features and functionality.
Organizations can migrate if and when compelling new features emerge. It’s arguable this change makes a virtue of necessity. Why say that? Most organizations upgrade servers no more often than once every 2-3 years (or longer) anyway.
On balance, I think this is a good move. For developers, it means building, testing and maintaining fewer releases . That is good news for everybody. Developers can build more cool new stuff. Admins face less busy work. This means shorter, simpler scheduled updates. And because updates often happen over long weekends, it means more holiday time with family and friends. That’s a real win-win!