Every now and then I’ll get a request from a vendor to take a look at their products and report on my experiences. Over three weeks ago, a package from Canada showed up at my door, including the LensPen LapTop Pro Ultra Notebook Cleaning Kit. As the following photo from Amazon (where you can pick this item up for $9.95 plus S&H) shows, it includes a microfiber cleaning cloth, 10 moist wipes for cleaning an LCD screen, a big multi-brush and screen cleaner holder, and an itty-bitty screen cleaner for cellphones (lower right in photo).

When this item first showed up at the house, I found myself thinking: “Dang! I hope this isn’t too expensive, because there’s not much to this kit.” After living and working with it for almost a month, I find myself pleasantly suprised and positively impressed with the kit’s capabilties. The moist towelettes help to lift crud off LCD screens, but it’s nothing you can’t do yourself with a spray bottle of distilled water and a soft microfiber cleaning cloth. The microfiber cloth is OK, too, but I recently bought a six-pack of bigger, softer cloths of this kind at Fry’s for $8 and cycle them through my office regularly.
The real value for the kit comes from the big combo brush (center right in photo), which features slide-out soft-and-wide bristle brushes for sweeping dust off LCD screens, as well as a slide-out hard-and-narrow bristle brush for cleaning dust out between keyboard keys. There’s also a 1.375″ x 1.375″ slide-out cleaning pad about which I was initially suspicious, because it left black deposits on my fingers when I first opened it up. But over time, I’ve been won over by all three items as general purpose computer clean-up tools. The brushes are great for their appointed tasks, and the cleaning pad is super at removing greasy fingerprints and minor buildup from LCD screens.
Once I found out the kit costs a whopping $10, I was sold on this product. It’s worth it for the big combo brush alone, not to mention the microfiber cloth, cleaning pads, and whatnot. I use this thing all the time on all of my notebook and desktop PCs, and it does its jobs quite nicely. Worth a try!