Here’s an interesting item. Turns out that MS has made KB5015684 available through its update servers. Thanks to the team at you can find x86, x64 and ARM64 versions of either .CAB or .MSU files. All have links of the form or .msu. They must be legit, right? Hence my claim that KB501864 provides quick Windows 10 22H2 upgrade.
I just ran it on my production Windows 10 PC, and it went through without hitch or glitch. Completed in under 2 minutes, including download, install and reboot time, too. May be worth a try for those with Windows 10 PCs not expected to elevate to Windows 11 soon (or ever). So far, I see no discernable changes in look, feel, or behavior — just a new Build number 19045 (vs. 19044). Same minor extension as before, in fact: 1826.
What KB501864 Provides Quick Windows 10 22H2 Upgrade Really Means
Two things:
1. MS is getting close enough to a 22H2 public release for a preview to go out.
2. The code for the 22H2 release is stable enough to start it through the Windows Insider program.
Note: I didn’t have to join the Insider program to install this update, which appears as a “Quality Update” in Update History. The Windows Insider Program page on this PC, post-update, does NOT show itself as “joined-up” either. So one need not be concerned that applying the update automagically changes the PC’s status to that of an Insider machine. That’s a relief!
I ran the .MSU x64 version of the upgrade, simply because a self-installing update file is a little easier to apply than CAB files can sometimes be. You can find all links in the original article (6 files in all). It might be a good idea to apply this upgrade to test machines with some caution, if you’re concerned about possible unwanted side effects. That didn’t stop (or hurt) me on this PC, though…
If you’re interested, have at it. Cheers!

Thanks for this great blog. Is there a way to get or to generate the msu files from Microsoft? I have to officially get those files.
MSU files usually come from the Microsoft Update Catalog, by searching on an associated name, attribute or KB Number. Find it at
this answers are great for smart people like you, not for me
As I said in a reply to one of your other comments, “You might find Mike Halsey’s site provides information better tailored for your needs.” Thanks for your feedback nevertheless. =Ed=
My age does not think as yours, I am fighting responses and see if there is a s…. as that realizes that when you are my age 88 is very painful and things should be released as simple as possibly
Sorry for your troubles. If my info isn’t useful, don’t read it. You might find Mike Halsey’s site provides information better tailored for your needs. Best wishes, =Ed=
Hi, nowhere, so far, has anyone enumerated the changes introduced with kb5015684.
I am trying to find the update that messed up the start search bar (now it goes straight to the web and does a Bing search instead of going to the relevant file/folder/program on the computer) and I am really getting frustrated. I really need the search bar and so I want to remove this update. I really only want security updates. Most of the feature updates are pretty useless so an indication how to avoid these would be really helpful. Thanks
This dates back more than 1.5 years. I don’t have ready access to information about what this did at this time. But gosh, it’s so long gone it might just make sense to run an in-place upgrade repair install to fix whatever’s wrong with the affected installation. That’s what I would do. There’s a good tutorial on this process at HTH, –Ed–