Category Archives: WED Blog

Right Networking Tool Delivers Visibility

I spend at least 15 hours a week on and To me both sites are invaluable sources of intelligence as well as information, fixes and tutorials. In lurking on the Eleven Forum Network and Internet threads recently, I was reminded that the right networking tool delivers visibility that File Explorer can’t match. You can see what I mean in the lead-in screencap, where File Explorer shows the network with 4 PCs, one printer and one router. To the right, the free Advanced IP Scanner (a personal fave) shows 6 computers, 2 printers, 2 TVs, an iPhone, and various other networking devices, including smart thermostats, cable TV boxes, and two routers. Big difference!

Why Stress That Right Networking Tool Delivers Visiblity

The aforementioned Eleven Forum networking threads often gripe that File Explorer fails to show all network devices. They also provide oodles of ingenious hacks and settings to force that tool to show more, more, more of what’s on the network. I simply turn to Advanced IP Scanner instead, because it not only shows me everything within a private (or public) IP address range, it also provides quick, ready access to remote access and management functions that let me reach out to them.

There is a stubborn streak in the Windows community that sometimes says: “Heck no, I won’t use 3rd-party tools. I’ll do it ONLY with native Windows facilities.” That strategy may be understandable — in theory, at least — but in practice it’s sometimes easier to achieve in some cases, and not so much in others. Getting active network nodes to show up in File Explorer is one of the latter. To me, it’s as much about tail-chasing as it is about getting stuff to show up in the UI.

I’ll skip that tail-chasing myself, and use Advanced IP Scanner instead. It does the job right away and requires no drama, nor other unseemly contortions. As I’ve said before, and will say again: In Windows-World, “Cool Tools Rule!”



Free Macrium Update Conundrum

OK, then: I’m chuckling. I’ve noticed for the past two months that while Macrium Reflect Free (v8) notifies me updates are available, it never downloads them. Then, I used one of my two remaining paid-for v8 licenses and presto! v.8.8.8325 is now available for download. That poses a free Macrium Update conundrum — namely, are they or aren’t they? So I asked Copilot about company policy on updates for that free version.

Here’s what it told me:

Yes, Macrium has stated a policy regarding updates for the free version of Macrium Reflect. As of January 1, 2024, Macrium Reflect Free v8.0 no longer receives feature, compatibility, or bug fix updates. Security patches were provided until that date, but no further changes are made to the v8 Free code base.

You can continue to use Macrium Reflect Free, but to receive updates and new features, a paid license is required.

Timing the Free Macrium Update Conundrum

Again, I’m chuckling because I’ve managed to go nearly two full months before catching this on my various testbed PCs. That’s also a clever use of notifications from Paramount Software (the makers of MR). It let me know — somewhat more slowly than I’m sure they intended — that my old free licenses were orphaned.

Now that I’ve updated as many of them as I can, I need to figure out how many MR version X licenses I’m actually still using. I’ve sent at least 3 or 4 such machines back to Lenovo after installing paid-up versions on them. I need to reclaim them so I can use them for other such machines as and when they show up here at Chez Tittel.

And now, at least, older members of my mini-fleet can get their Macrium updates on. Boy howdy: Isn’t that just the way things go here in Windows-World from time to time? Keeping up isn’t a full-time chore, for sure, but it does require paying a certain amount of attention…



Recent RDP Hiccups Confirmed

I’ll be darned. It isn’t often that my local minor Windows gotchas make the news. But there they were this morning on Windows Latest: Windows 11 24H2 RDP hangs on login, RDP session connecting issues reported. For at least the last month or so, I’ve had RDP sessions hang on the login screen, and stay stuck there. Now that I think upon it, the client on the “other side” must’ve been some version of 24H2 (Canary, Beta, Release Preview or Production). That’s why I say: recent RDP hiccups confirmed.

What to Do When Recent RDP Hiccups Confirmed

In my case, this turns out to be a minor enough gotcha that I’ll keep doing what I’ve already been doing. Of course, now I can start waiting — and looking — for some relief from MS. Turns out that if you close the hung RDP session and reconnect to that client, the connection works 90+% of the time. That’s good enough for Windows work here at Chez Tittel.

I have, however, noticed that the Remote Desktop app is less subect to the hiccup (though still not completely immune). I can’t function with remote access of some kind. That’s because I’ve got 6 Windows 11 PCs in my office, and 3 more upstairs. And you guessed it: all are running Windows 24H2 of some kind by now.

A Group Policy Fix May Do the Trick

WindowsLatest also reports that changing the value for a particular node in the Windows Group Policy tree can fix this issue. That node is:

Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Connections

Open Select network detection on the server. Next, make sure that value is set to Enabled, then give it a value of  Turn off Connect Time Detect and Continuous Network Detect.

According to the story, that should fix things, with no reboot required. Let’s see … goes off to check … seems to work as described. At least, the half-dozen connections I just tried all came up, sans hiccups. I’ll see how things go longer term and report back here if anything fails in the interim.


Lenovo Q3 Results Support Refresh Year Notions

The world’s biggest PC maker — Lenovo, that is — just reported results for the third quarter of its fiscal year (ended Dec 31). It shows approximate growth in revenues and profits over Q3 for the previous fiscal year. One phrase from the report (PDF) caught my eye: “Commercial sales benefited from the Windows 11 refresh, with premium workstation sales spearheading demand recovery…” Hmm, could it be possible that these Lenovo Q3 results support “refresh year” notions for 2025? You bet!

How Lenovo Q3 Results Support Refresh Year Notions

Back on January 6 I posted about the MS supposition that AI additions to Windows 11 plus Copilot+ PCs could turn 2025 into The Year of the Windows 11 Refresh (that’s a link to their blog on this topic as well as a good summary). As the biggest player in the PC market, Lenovo’s latest quarterly numbers certainly plays into this picture. And it does so in a way that speaks for the “refresh year” idea, rather than against it. Could MS actually have a clue?

I cribbed the lead-in graphic for this story from Paul Thurrott’s coverage of this topic: Lenovo Revenues Jump 20 Percent to $18.8 Billion. It shows how the number have fared over the past 5 quarters, with a dip from Q1 to Q2 in that series, but steady growth and recovery since then.

What Else Could Speak to Refresh?

It is interesting to see how next-ranked PC players numbers either further support this notion, or call it into possible question. Copilot says that means HP, Dell and Asus (Apple holds spot#4, but I’m pretty sure they’re not much into playing the Windows 11 refresh game).

HP’s Q4 24 results show a 1.7% jump YoY (nowhere near Lenovo’s ~20%), but they do cite “steady progress in Personal Systems and Print.” Dell’s overall revenues and earnings declined over 2024, as did the number of units it shipped that year (39.1M vs. 61.8M for Lenovo, 53M for HP, and 17.9M for Asus). Asus was up 8.8% YoY in PC sales, and their strong showing in PC sales helped contribute to their success.

Nothing Entirely Clear Yet, Yea or Nay

Lenovo’s results are the only ones that mention the refresh phenomenon explicitly. But if it pans out further, I expect we’ll hear more from other OEMs, too. Stay tuned: I’ll keep you posted.



WinGet Installs Neofetch Directly

OK then, I’ve had a little more time to research and think about yesterday’s blog post, which seized upon the Chris Titus install/update/tweak PowerShell script as a way to get Neofetch installed on Windows. It most assuredly works, but there are easier ways to get this done. Indeed, with the right knowledge and syntax, WinGet installs Neofetch directly. Here’s the syntax:

WinGet install Neofetch

You can see that in the lead-in screengrab. It shows that WinGet knows about a package named neofetch-win with an associated ID of nepnep.neofetch-win. Indeed, that turns out to be the key to finding this project at GitHub. Turns out that nepnep39 is the developer’s handle, and neofetch-win is the name of this GitHub project.

Why WinGet Installs Neofetch Directly

TLDR answer: because the developer has created a package definition for neofetch-win that’s known to WinGet. Indeed, I got the simplest possible syntax shown in the lead graphic from the GitHub project’s README file. Who knew? A lot of people, apparently (he thanks visitors for 50K downloads in March 2024). But alas, not yours truly until yesterday. Sigh.

There’s another way to use WinGet to install Neofetch, also shown in the lead-in graphic, albeit indirectly. You can use the ID mechanism as well, to wit:

WinGet install --id nepnep.neofetch-win

This approach specifically calls out the package by its full ID string, as registered in the WinGet package database.

Even GitHub Provides More Ways

If you visit the “Latest” release page for neofetch-win at GitHub (1.2.1 as I write this), you’ll also find links to an .exe file and an MS Installer (.msi) file there. They work, too, to provide access to this nifty little tool from the UNIX/Linux world.

Where there’s a will to use WinGet, it’s often possible to find a way to exercise same. In this case, I simply needed to find the right handle. It must’ve been too obvious for me, but now I know how to get there from here. And so do you… But heck, based on nepnep39’s March 2024 thankyou, maybe you already did.


Bringing Neofetch Aboard via WinGet

I knew there had to be a way. I just couldn’t find it or figure it out on my own. The venerable old OS info command line tool Neofetch (best known to UNIX and Linux users) works at the Windows command line, too. But I struggled with Chocolatey and Scoop to get it installed without liking the results. This morning Eleven Forum user Lance1 posted a terrific WinGet-based install/update tool from Chris Titus with an understated title “You may find this handy.” Indeed I did — and I also successfully tried bringing Neofetch aboard via WinGet on my production PC. You can see it running in the lead-in screengrab.

What’s Behind Bringing Neofetch Aboard via WinGet?

Running the command from Lance1’s post — namely

iwr -useb | iex

absolutely did the trick for me.

Here’s how Copilot breaks this command string down (all six numbered items are quoted verbatim therefrom):

  1. iwr: This is an alias for the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet. It sends an HTTP request to a web server and retrieves the response.
  2. -useb: This parameter tells Invoke-WebRequest to automatically unblock the downloaded file, which is useful when downloading scripts from the internet.
  3. This is the URL of the file you’re downloading. In this case, it’s a script hosted on Chris Titus’s website.
  4. |: This is the pipeline operator, which passes the output of one cmdlet to another cmdlet.
  5. iex: This is an alias for the Invoke-Expression cmdlet. It runs a script or command that is passed to it as input.

In summary, says Copilot: “this command downloads a script from and then executes it immediately on your system.” It’s what pops up the partial console that includes a checkbox for Neofetch, like so:

And when I clicked on Install/upgrade selected in the console pop-up window, it showed the following output as it used WinGet to handle the Neofetch install:

I’m jazzed. I need to spend more time with this Chis Titus tool and see what ELSE it can do. Lance1 was certainly right in his low-key estimation of its utility. I’ve already found it handy, so to speak. Cheers!


MS Seemingly Drops Intel Gen7-10 24H2 Support

Whoa! Maybe even “Double Whoa!!” Look closely at the recently updated Microsoft Learn Windows Hardware Developer document Windows 11 Version 24H2 supported Intel processors. Careful examination shows that MS seemingly drops Intel Gen7-10 24H2 support. That’s right: everything from Gen 7 (Kaby Lake; 2016 mobile/2017 desktop) to Gen 10 (Comet Lake; 2017 for both mobile and desktop) is absent from that list. I’m concerned, and so are lots of other industry followers and reports (e.g. WinAero, Tom’s Hardware, Eleven Forum, and so forth). Can this be true?

Really!? MS Seemingly Drops Intel Gen7-10 24H2 Support

Initially, I wondered if this could be an error or oversight. But apparently, it’s a deliberate strategy aimed at OEMs. Indeed, a Windows Latest item dated today (2/17/2025) explicitly debunks this notion: No, Microsoft is NOT dropping Windows 11 support for Intel 8th, 9th, and 10th Gen chips. Though the absence of these items prompted plenty of speculation that Gen 7-10 were falling off the 24H2 table, here’s what that item states:

…first…Microsoft has renamed the document to mention the Windows 11 24H2 release. Second, the list of supported processors does not include “8th gen, 9th gen, and 10th gen Intel” chips. This led some people to believe that older Intel chips are no longer officially supported for “Windows 11 24H2.”

In response to this belief, Windows Latest asked MS directly and got this added clarification:

In a statement to Windows Latest, Microsoft confirmed that Windows 11 hardware requirements hadn’t changed since 2021.

I’ll also observe that the first paragraph of this Learn item states “…released and future generations of processors which meet the same principles will be considered as supported, even if not explicitly listed.” Guess what? That includes the “missing” Intel Gen7-10 CPUs, dear readers.

Windows 11 for AI vs. Other Flavors

Apparently MS is steering OEMs toward Intel CPUs that provide the necessary NPU and other items necessary to qualify for Copilot+ classification. It’s another logical, if vexing, consequence of the “Year of the Refresh” that MS is promoting for OEMs that want to support 24H2 fully and completely. Go figure: it seems to be something of a tempest in a teapot!


Waiting On Next NVIDIA Studio Driver

Oho!  A new NVIDIA Game-ready driver is out. As you can see in the lead-in graphic this one’s numbered 577.42. But if you’ve been reading this blog of late, you already knew that both the January 30 Game-Ready AND Studio drivers gave my dual monitor rig fits (get the gist from this Feb 5 item). Hence, my response to the new driver is below tepid. Instead, I’m waiting on the next NVIDIA Studio Driver to come along. I hope my optimism that it might fix dual monitor gotchas is justified. We’ll see…

Why I’m Waiting On Next NVIDIA Studio Driver

The January 30 update included both Game-Ready and Studio driver version. Alas, both also exhibited the same unwanted behaviors on my dual-monitor setup. The left-hand monitor didn’t want to wake up from sleep, and I had to use a combination of two techniques to bring it back to life:

  1. Use the WinKey-Ctrl-Shift-B key combination (shortcut) to reload the graphics driver
  2. Use the Ctrl-Alt-Del “three-fingered-salute” to bring the desktop back to life

Shoot! I like it a lot better when I just hit a key, or click the mouse, and the PC wakes up on its own shortly thereafter. Neither of the preceding 572.16 versions were so obliging, which is why I rolled back to version 566.36. I don’t plan on updating until a new Studio version comes out (and I’ll be sure to back up 566.36 for re-use, should I need it back).


WU: How Long Is Too Long?

Here’s a Windows road I’ve been down many times. Indeed, it’s the kind of road, as in Robert Earl Keen’s excellent song, that “goes on forever…” It’s the road you walk on when WU hangs during download, GUI install, or post-GUI install. I read with amazement this morning in an ElevenForum thread that some poor soul waited THREE HOURS on a stuck install before asking for help. Ouch! Of course this raises the question with WU: How long is too long when things get stuck?

For me, the TLDR; answer is “10-15 minutes.” I just don’t have the patience to wait much longer. And FWIW, I’ve only seldom seen something that’s been stuck that long succeed after such a delay.

In WU, How Long Is Too Long Depends on You

At some point, the stuckee realizes that nothing is going to change, no matter how much longer one waits. That’s the point at which one must bite the bullet, and restart the stuck PC. Holding down the power button for 10 or more seconds until the PC shuts down will usually do it. Sometimes, however, one must either power off the PSU (desktops) or take more drastic steps (e.g. disconnect battery or wait for it to drain completely on a laptop).

Surprisingly, in the dozens of times I’ve had to do this when stuck in the past 5 years or so, the aftermath has mostly been positive. Often, Windows will simply pick up where the stuck update left off and finish up from there. Sometimes, it will roll back to the pre-install state instead.

Only in a handful of cases has the affected PC refused to boot correctly. When that happens, it’s time to pull out your rescue media and perform an image restore to your last known,good, working image backup. You have one of those, right? I’ve learned the answer to that question had better be “Heck, yeah. Let’ s go!”

Overcoming The Worst Case Scenario

No image backup and no working PC can be problematic. Hopefully, you’ve got at least some important stuff backed up someway, somehow (OneDrive, maybe?). You’ll either find a way to run a repair install (works sometimes) or you’ll have to choose between a clean install or a factory reset. Hopefully, it won’t come to that. I haven’t had to go there but once or twice in the 30-plus years I’ve been running Windows. Hopefully, your odds and experience will be the same. Good luck!


Recent Upgrade Traffic Heavy

It’s been a busy past few days here at Chez Tittel. Yesterday’s Patch Tuesday was pretty intense — MS and third-party updates addressed 67 CVEs — for all my Windows 10 and 11 PCs and VMs. And today, I’m noticing anywhere from 6 to 9 updates via WinGet on those same PCs and VMs. IMO, this makes recent upgrade traffic heavy (or at least, heavier than usual). You can see the list of 9 updates from the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme in the lead-in graphic, for example.

Is Recent Upgrade Traffic Heavy Important?

Hard to say. The number of CVEs addressed on Patch Tuesday may sound high, but Copilot says it’s way below the 350-400 monthly average over the past 12 months. Wait?! Can that be right… Yes, it can. Indeed, the monthly average for CVEs reported for Windows in 2024 was over 3,300. With the number addressed in fixes, you can see how far Windows trails behind in catching up.

Where WinGet is concerned, 7-9 on any given day is higher than usual, but not extraordinary. Here again, Copilot says “it’s safe to say that WinGet handles hundreds of updates daily across various systems.” On any particular systems, or on Chez Tittel systems (they’re similarly configured and run a fairly consistent set of tools and apps), that number varies by what’s there and what’s updated.

The Tools Keep Working, and So Do I

I’ve experienced relatively little difficulty with WU and WinGet updates in past months (see my February 6 post on upgrading Canary to 27788 as  rare exception). Keeping up with Windows and its apps and applications involves regular — but not extreme — effort. I’ll keep on keepin’ on as long as that stays true.

In that same vein, I haven’t seen much action recently through the lens of Patch My PC Home Updater. My typical suite of 20 to under 40 of its apps have been mostly quiescent for the past week and longer. That said, my production desktop just reported two C++ redistributables and CPU-Z all need updates. Go figure!
