Category Archives: Remote Desktop (RDP)

Windows App Replaces Remote Desktop May 2025

Based on other recent MS announcements, looks like May is “retirement month” for multiple apps and applications. The latest item scheduled for a retirement party (but no gold watch) is Remote Desktop. Yesterday, the Windows IT blog featured an item entitled “Windows App to replace Remote Desktop…” to announce the changeover. Interestingly, the same blog post also advises continued use of Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) for plain vanilla remote access. When the Windows App replaces Remote Desktop (May 2025), RDC remains a primary remote access tool.

Once Windows App Replaces Remote Desktop, Then What?

The kicker for some users — including your humble author — lurks in the tag line on the Windows App page in the MS Store. It reads “Requires work or school account,” which means not just a Microsoft Account (MSA) per se, but one with Entra ID capabilities and attributes. Indeed, most people get those through work or school (hence, the tagline) because it costs upwards of US$20 monthly for a properly-qualified Microsoft 365 subscription.

Those who want to use the Windows App must provide an appropriate and qualified MSA to use it. I’m still pondering whether I want to shoulder those costs. But when May comes and goes, none of us, across all MSAs, will have Remote Desktop to kick around any more.

Here in Windows-World, “plus ça change” (in English: “the more things change, the more they stay the same”) is not just a catch-phrase, it’s a way of life. That said, it looks like May 2025 will be a little more change-forward than other months this year. Cheers!


Recent RDP Hiccups Confirmed

I’ll be darned. It isn’t often that my local minor Windows gotchas make the news. But there they were this morning on Windows Latest: Windows 11 24H2 RDP hangs on login, RDP session connecting issues reported. For at least the last month or so, I’ve had RDP sessions hang on the login screen, and stay stuck there. Now that I think upon it, the client on the “other side” must’ve been some version of 24H2 (Canary, Beta, Release Preview or Production). That’s why I say: recent RDP hiccups confirmed.

What to Do When Recent RDP Hiccups Confirmed

In my case, this turns out to be a minor enough gotcha that I’ll keep doing what I’ve already been doing. Of course, now I can start waiting — and looking — for some relief from MS. Turns out that if you close the hung RDP session and reconnect to that client, the connection works 90+% of the time. That’s good enough for Windows work here at Chez Tittel.

I have, however, noticed that the Remote Desktop app is less subect to the hiccup (though still not completely immune). I can’t function with remote access of some kind. That’s because I’ve got 6 Windows 11 PCs in my office, and 3 more upstairs. And you guessed it: all are running Windows 24H2 of some kind by now.

A Group Policy Fix May Do the Trick

WindowsLatest also reports that changing the value for a particular node in the Windows Group Policy tree can fix this issue. That node is:

Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Connections

Open Select network detection on the server. Next, make sure that value is set to Enabled, then give it a value of  Turn off Connect Time Detect and Continuous Network Detect.

According to the story, that should fix things, with no reboot required. Let’s see … goes off to check … seems to work as described. At least, the half-dozen connections I just tried all came up, sans hiccups. I’ll see how things go longer term and report back here if anything fails in the interim.


RDC vs. Remote Desktop

I make remote connections to Windows PCs all the time, every day. I often switch between the Remote Desktop  Connection (RDC, aka mstsc.exe) and the Remote Desktop app (9WZDNCRFJ3PS in the MS Store). Lately, I’ve noticed that the .exe is prey to a hiccup to which the app is not — namely, RDC will often hang at the lock screen with spinning balls frozen when I start a remote session. Remote Desktop never does this. Because I know RDC better than Remote Desktop I used to prefer it. Because I favor speedy in-and-out over redoing my link I’m now leaning toward the latter. Thus, in my recent estimation of RDC vs. Remote Desktop, the app is gaining favor.

More Differences in RDC vs. Remote Desktop

This got me to wondering about other differences between the older exe and the newer UWP app. Looks like Remote Desktop can do other stuff that RDC cannot, too, including:

  • Auto updates through the MS Store (Winget handles mstsc.exe)
  • Modern UWP app interface with thumbnails and minimal controls (Full-Screen and Disconnect only)
  • Access a complete remote desktop or access one remote app without running a complete remote desktop
  • Works across MacOS, iOS/iPadOS, Android, Chrome and Web browsers (IDKICDT)
  • Multi-monitor support lets Remote Desktop map multiple monitors from remote client to host desktop
  • Works with Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud

In some situations, I can see where single-app remoting could be good. I also like support for multiple client OSes and monitors. I wish I had the ability to try out the cloud capabilities, too. Sounds like fun.

Maybe It’s Time to Join the 21st Century?

I’m thinking I should be using Remote Desktop more than RDC. I think I’ll try it for a while and see how it goes. It could be that some of my issues with VMs might also be MIA in the newer app. Let’s find out!


Possible RDP Session Startup Delay Fix

I have numerous PCs in my office right now, and a couple more elsewhere in the house. My usual modus operandi is to work from my primary desktop, and use Remote Desktop Connection (and the RDP protocol) to jump onto and work with those other machines. I do this dozens of times daily, as I check various Windows versions, VMs, and more. At least 1 time out of 4, when I start up an RDP connection it sits on the remote PC’s lock screen for some time (minutes, even). Only recently have I researched this, and come up with a possible RDP session startup delay fix. You can see it in the unchecked box at lower left in the lead-in graphic: persistent bitmap cache.

What Is This Possible RDP Session Startup Delay Fix?

Another workaround is to close the opening session, then open it again. This almost always works. But in reading over a set of possible fixes in an April 2024 TheWindowsClub story on this very topic, I came across one I’d neither heard of before, nor tried. So, of course, I tried it: it involves unchecking the “Persistent bitmap caching” entry on the expanded Remote Desktop Connection app’s Experience tab as shown above.

I tried that on a couple of PCs that were showing significant delays in starting RDP sessions just now. And guess what? After that tweak, they opened right up. I’m guessing the delay might come from loading the cache at session startup, which the app uses to speed reproduction of already-known (and cached) screens. So it’s gonna be a tradeoff: faster startup at first, but slower response when screens need to move across the network that would otherwise already be stored.

I’m not sure it’s a total win, but it’s interesting to try such things out and see how they work for you. To me that’s the essence of getting things right in Windows-World — namely finding and using the right controls, to do what you need in a way that you can live with.


Windows App Will Replace Remote Desktop

I’m finally starting to get some clarity on the emerging Windows App, now out in preview. That clarity comes courtesy of a nice story from Martin Brinkmann at gHacks entitled “The Windows Windows app is real — replacing remote desktop app.” But I’ve got a problem with this tool –identical to the problems I had with the Teams (Work or school) version. I don’t have a qualifying MSA among the half-dozen or so I have set up. So, even though the Windows App will replace Remote Desktop, I’m still unable to use it. Sigh.

How Soon the Windows App Will Replace Remote Desktop?

Having been through this with Teams earlier this year, I  imagine Windows App will follow a similar trajectory. MS must eventually loosen its exclusive requirement for an Entra related MSA. Why say this? Because of 2 inescapable facts:

  1. The population of personal MSAs dwarfs that for the other kind
  2. Unless MS adds personal MSAs, it can’t replace Remote Desktop

All this said, the Windows App is now available in preview form. MS has various Learn assets for the program but none of them provides information about timing just yet. The best place to start is with What is Windows App? It leads to other useful info, too. My best guess is that this will be another element that distinguishes the 24H2 Windows 11 release from its predecessors.

Finding the Windows App…

Because “Windows app” is a generic term, and “Windows App” is the name of an MS Store object, some sleight of hand is needed to run it down. Best to search the store with “Windows App” (including caps) enclosed in quotes.

According to the MS Learn article Link to your app, you can synthesize the Store URL for an app by appending its Id string to this base string:

WinGet will happily provide that ID using either its list or show capabilities. Here again, I had to enclose “Windows App” in quotes to make this work, to wit:

As you can see, WinGet says the ID = 9N1F85V9T8BN, so that URL should be Let’s see…

Works! Now, all I have to do is get a “real” Work or school MSA so I can use the gosh-darned thing. But that’s another kettle of fish entirely, here in Windows-World. Stay tuned.


Getting Past Crowdstruck Requires Access

Last Friday (July 19), cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike pushed an update to its threat sensors. Ultimately, that ended up with over 8 million Windows PC unable to boot, stuck on a BSOD for invalid references in a kernel-mode driver. Behind the scenes, all kinds of companies from hospitals, to government agencies, to airlines, and more, found themselves unable to use updates machines after a post-update reboot. What really caused the heartburn? Getting past Crowdstruck requires access to affected machines on a one-at-a-time basis.

If you look at the BSOD screencap at the head of this blog post, you’ll see a driver named csagent.sys. This is the CrowdStrike Agent driver which runs at kernel mode by design. That ensures it can’t be easily accessed or tampered with by hackers. But when something runs as a kernel mode driver it must be rigorously and thoroughly tested and vetted, or it can crash any PC on which it runs. Errors, in short, cannot be tolerated. Oops!

Why Getting Past Crowdstruck Requires Access

Part of the Crowdstrike software run as a Windows kernel-mode driver. That means it has the same level of access as privileged parts of the OS itself. If any of this code throws an error — as Crowdstrike has publicly admitted its update did — Windows crashes itself. That’s by design,  out of an abundance of caution to avoid loss of data or other damage to affected systems.

Here’s where things get interesting. Windows can’t boot and run until the offending driver is removed. In turn, the affected PCs must boot into safe mode or a recovery image. Either can operate on the damaged Windows image, remove the bad driver, and stand Windows back up again. This is easy when admins or IT pros have physical access to affected PCs. Indeed, Copilot recommends using the “three strikes” method to get into Windows recovery. (Three consecutive boot failures autoomatically triggers Windows alternate boot.) Then, using WinRE (or Windows itself in safe mode, from the Advanced Boot Options), repairs can go forward.

The problem is that many, if not virtually all, of the affected machines stayed down, stuck in a “boot loop.” They remained that way because their operators DIDN’T have physical access to those PCs. I’ll bet that most of them had to be teleoperated through a KVM device that can work around PC  problems that extend all the way down to the hardware level (outside the scope of normal remote access and RDP). This kind of thing doesn’t scale well, either, so it takes time to work through hundreds to thousands of remote PCs (think of the PC behind the counter at AA or Delta, where the gate or ticket agent is completely clueless about boot-level Windows repairs).

An “Interesting” Problem, Indeed!

Far too many cybersecurity and IT pros found themselves in the grip of the old Chinese curse (“May you live in interesting times”) after the *291* driver for Crowdstrike  tried to run on Friday. Organizations that prepare and drill for these kinds of outages were doubtless at an advantage in already knowing how to broker and run boot repairs remotely. I can only imagine the hair-pulling that went on at other outfits less well-equipped to handle this outage.

Here’s a moral to ponder for those who run remote Windows PCs where physical access is impossible, difficult or impractical: Can your remote management infrastructure and automation work with a Windows PC that’s not booting, and won’t boot until it’s restarted in some special way? If your answer is “yes,” you’re probably over the Crowdstruck hump already. If your answer is “no,” you’ll probably make that a top priority as soon as you can kick-start and repair all remaining affected Windows nodes. In the meantime, my deepest sympathies…


RDP Absence P16 Fixed

It’s been weird. I had trouble accessing my Lenovo ThinkPad P16 Mobile Workstation for an attorney call last Friday. I couldn’t see it while it was hooked up on Ethernet but it worked OK in Wi-Fi. Today, i finally figure out why that was happening and RDP absence P16 fixed as a result. Deets follow…

How to Get RDP Absence P16 Fixed…

The ever typical error message that shows up when RDP can’t find a PC by desigation (computer name in this case) appears in the lead-in graphic above. Because I already fixed my P16 problem, I used “P15” as the machine name. Since there ain’t no such beast on my LAN, of course it provokes the old familiar “can’t find the computer…” error message shown. But that’s what I was seeing for the P16.

Took me a while to figure out why. If you follow this blog you know I had a Panasonic Toughbook FZ-55 on loan here for some time (unboxing post). While it was hooked up to the LAN it used the Ethernet port my P16 normally uses. On the P16 I switched to Wi-Fi.

That was the problem: with a new NIC for Wi-Fi the P16 also got a new set of IPv4 and v6 addresses. When I hooked back into Ethernet, RDP knew nothing about this. So when I accessed the P16 by name it went looking for it on its Wi-Fi associated IP address. No go!

Fixing the Mix-up

Removing info from RDP requires deleting associated keys in the Registry. I had to visit the key named

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default

to reset the RDP roster. With the old (and incorrect) entry removed I had to go through initial RDP connection set-up again for the P16. But that was easy (provide a password for the Windows login I use) and done. Now things are working again on the Ethernet connection. Only problem is, I’ll have to remember to do this again if I switch back to Wi-Fi (or just use the IPv4 address, which is how I got back in and ultimately how I figured things out).

And isn’t that just the way things go in Windows-World sometimes. If it ain’t one thing, it’s another!


Hello Default Blocks Enhanced Mode Login

Here’s an interesting Catch-22 — for me, anyway. If you want to move data into or out of a VM easily, you must run that VM in an”Enhanced session.” OTOH, if you run a VM in that mode, you can’t login. First, you must tweak a setting with the Enhanced session turned off for the moment. Why? Because a Hello default blocks enhanced mode login unless it’s turned off. Let me explain…

Unless Turned Off Hello Default Blocks Enhanced Mode Login

If you look at the lead-in graphic, you’re also looking in on a VM window via an RDP session. You can see the pull down menu from the control bar shows its “Enhanced session” setting is enabled (blue checkmark against light blue background).

Unfortunately, because of Windows OS defaults upon installation, a VM will also have the Settings → Accounts → Sign-in options set with “Require Windows Hello sign-in for Microsoft accounts” turned on. Alas, that means the Enhanced session VM window will come up, but it won’t respond to the mouse or keyboard to show a login prompt with its PIN or password text entry box. You can’t login under these circumstances until you uncheck the “Enhanced session” item, log in to the VM, then visit Settings and turn off the afore-mentioned Hello sign-in requirement. Once that is done, you can turn the Enhanced session back on, and it will work just fine to let you login. Go Figure!

See the Setting Info…

Here’s a screencap of the “Require Windows Hello…” stuff from Windows 10. The one in Windows 11 is virtually the same.

If you are like me, you use both RDP and VMs together regularly. That means this little maneuver is a useful and necessary part of post-install set-up/clean-up.


Remote Access Window Clips Seconds Display

It’s a “one step forward, one step back” situation. The latest Windows 11 Insider release to the Beta Channel brings optional seconds back to the Taskbar clock. But using a remote access windows clips seconds display, as shown in the lead-in graphic. I’ve posted a report about this to the  feedback hub. Amusingly, it’s attracted an MS response from 3 months ago that says (in condensed form) “We fixed this in the Dev channel 3 months ago.” Uhhh … not really … I see it right there so it isn’t fixed.

Note: I included a snip of the Winver output from the Beta Channel Build 22624.1470 above the Taskbar clock to document its release of origin. You can see about half of the time read-out from that clock at the lower right (enough to tell that it says 11:51:45 AM, in fact).

Reporting Remote Access Window Clips Seconds Display

Here’s what I wrote to the Feedback Hub:

Text from my Feedback Hub report Friday 3/24

One more thing: when you make this change in Build 22624.1470, it doesn’t affect taskbar display until after a reboot. And indeed, upon rebooting the clock initially showed up initially sans seconds display. They showed up later on, as the PC went through its desktop initialization process after I’d logged in. That was kind of interesting, too…

What To Do About “the Clip?”

There’s not much one can do about this issue because Windows 11 still lacks icon size controls for the taskbar. From what I hear these controls are planned for inclusion in some upcoming Windows 11 release. If MS doesn’t get around to fixing this admittedly minor if not miniscule issue, access to icon sizing will probably take care of things at some later date.

I’ll also note that this issue does not occur when I log directly into that test machine (a Lenovo ThinkPad X380 Yoga [8th-gen Intel CPU, Intel graphics, 16 GB RAM]). So it really is an issue with the way the Remote Desktop  Connection application handles taskbar display at the moment. Just for grins, I also tried a connection through the Remote Desktop UWP app. For the record, it clips that window’s clock display, too. Thus, it looks like a taskbar height issue FWIW.



Remote Wi-Fi Driver Update Magic

I remember the networking wars of the late 1980s. That was when Token Ring, ARCnet, LocalTalk and other physical media vied with Ethernet for market- and mindshare. Indeed, I’ve worked with versions of Ethernet all the way back to 10Base2 and 10Base5. Thus, I successfully upgraded the Wi-Fi drivers on my 2018 vintage Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme (running Windows 11) with bemusement and appreciation minutes ago. Based on how earlier Windows versions worked, there was surely some remote Wi-Fi driver update magic involved.

The lead-in graphic is the Intel installer pane that announces a successful Wi-Fi driver install. What’s interesting about this? It’s inside a Wi-Fi based RDP session. I’m working on my production PC via Remote Desktop Connection to the X1 Extreme. It restored itself automatically once the driver install finished. It came back up, even though the connection dropped as that update occurred. No working driver means no Wi-Fi during the switchover from old to new.

What Makes Remote Wi-Fi Driver Update Magic Happen?

Good question! RDP apparently recognizes enough about the dropped session to bring it back to life. And FWIW, that occurs during the first “retry” — by default, RDP attempts resuscitation up to 5 times — without undue muss or fuss.

What makes this noteworthy? I can remember that even Windows 7 could not restore RDP sessions dropped during driver updates. Windows 8 (and 8.1) were hit or miss. It’s only since Windows 10 came along in 2015 (General Availability: 7/29/2015) that this capability has been both mainstream and dependable.

Once upon a time, Wi-Fi driver updates meant the end of open RDP sessions. Recovery was impossible: the only way back in was to fire Remote Desktop Connection up, and start afresh. It’s a small thing, really, but one I’ve learned to appreciate in modern Windows versions.

Thanks IEEE!

Modern Wi-Fi testifies to robust and practiced driver design. Indeed, it keeps working in the face of many predictable difficulties. Replacing drivers is a case in point, but Wi-Fi just keeps on chugging along. And that’s despite various source of interference, occasional hiccups with power, wireless gateways, and more. Having followed the technology as it’s grown and sped up I’m grateful it works well.
