Here’s an interesting one. Indeed one can configure or enable the excellent OhMyPosh prompt tweaking tool (aka OMP) to update itself. But there’s a trick involved in getting WinGet to recognize an update has occurred. I call it an “update hangover.” Apparently the local copy of the WinGet source list itself needs a reset before it catches up with what’s happened. (That list provides the basis from which it decides what’s fresh and what needs updating.) Let me explain — and show — how I got this OhMyPosh auto update hangover fixed.
Getting OhMyPosh Auto Update Hangover Fixed
Take a look at the screencap in the lead-in graphic. Before this sequence occurred, OMP told me as the PowerShell session started up that it was updating itself to version 24.18.1. You’ll notice that selfsame “Available” version according to WinGet upgrade output right at the head of that PowerShell command sequence.
Keep reading. Note that the output for oh-my-posh –version also reads 24.18.1. Thus, OMP is already upgraded and already current. But after I complete the valid remaining upgrade manually (for Microsoft.WindowsADK), another simple upgrade check shows that WinGet thinks OMP still needs that upgrade.
What to do? I try basic winget source reset — which attempts a reset for the winget and msstore sources — but the command output tells me the directive requires the –force option to work. So that’s what I try next:
winget source reset –name winget –force
As you can see when I do the next upgrade check after that, WinGet now reports “No installed package found matching input criteria.” That means it no longer sees OMP as a legit update target. Fixed!
Now, I wonder if Jan DeDobbeleer can figure out a way to reset the local list of packages for comparison to the WinGet source as part of his auto-update function. Probably not: knowing his thorough and deliberate approach to this package, he’d have done it already were that possible.