I have to laugh! I’ve been mucking around with start menu and taskbar settings lately, working on a story for Tom’s. In the process I managed to switch my start button logo on a test machine. When I reinstalled Start11v2 on that PC, I said to myself “No prob: I’ll just use the Start Button item in the left-hand controls to restore the old start button.” But restoring Start11 Start Button proves tricky, because it’s missing from the Start 11 gallery of StartButtons, as shown in the lead-in graphic.
Why Restoring Start11 Start Button Proves Tricky
Fortunately, the Stardock developers also include a “Download” button on the same page where you can pick from its start button icon gallery. This takes you to the Start Menu Buttons Gallery page at WinCustomize.com. There, I had to flip through to page 5 (of 50!) where I found what I was looking for:
And sure enough, it did the trick! Even though it leaves me wondering why Stardock doesn’t include the Windows 11 default start button by conscious, deliberate choice, it’s always nice to find a way to get where you want to go. Problem solved, and my test PC is back to where it should be, and working as I want it to. Isn’t that just how things go sometimes in Windows-World, where one change often leads to another? Or, where a change that produces the desired effect also causes something else that’s less desirable? Sure enough: it’s true.