Category Archives: Cool Tools

Further Intel DSA Follies

So I’m working on the new loaner unit here at Chez Tittel: a Lenovo ThinkCentre M90a Gen5. As part of my management process, I routinely install the Intel Driver and Support Assistant — aka DSA — on PCs with Intel CPUs. That includes the M90a because it sports a beefy i7-14700. In catching up the device on the latest Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GbE drivers this morning, I found myself engaged in further Intel DSA follies following (and during) installation. Let me explain…

Fostering Further Intel DSA Follies

My first folly occurred as DSA was getting installed. Even though it wasn’t quite done, it popped up a notification of available updates. I’d never seen this before, so I bit on that offer. It got me downloading the aforementioned communications drivers, and I started that sequence with Bluetooth. Imagine my surprise when the install refused to run because “another installation is underway.” For me, then, Folly #1 is “Don’t start on updates until DSA install is finished.”

Folly #2 reflects a recent UI change in DSA. Once it completes any driver install, it shows installation history. Because one is installing drivers in sequence, that means one must click the “Refresh” button to see any and all remaining drivers that still need to be installed. Repeat until all desired drivers are updated. I’ll summarize Folly #2 as “Remember to click ‘Refresh’ as each install completes, to see remaining pending installs.”

Folly#3 is extreme user engagement in the various driver installers. I counted from 7 to 10 mouse clicks per driver install to get through that process. This bothers me enough that I’ve already blogged about this (April 2023: Achieving Intel Update Driver Silence). Given that Intel has documented this capability for most of its drivers, I’m apparently not the only DSA user to find this irksome.

Done and Dusted: Follies Behind Me

The M90a is now caught up with all of the Intel drivers I choose to update. Even though it’s not supposed to matter, that brings me to Folly #4: The Intel Arc & Iris Xe Graphics warning (appears as the lead-in graphic above, in fact). Intel says elsewhere that since 2022 or thereabouts, its drivers do NOT trample upon OEM customizations. Yet it continues to flash this warning and require user opt-in before enabling install. Sheesh.

Here in Windows World, it’s always something. Today, it’s Intel DSA follies. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Wait til then, and I’ll let you know…


OhMyPosh Auto Update Hangover Fixed

Here’s an interesting one. Indeed one can configure or enable the excellent OhMyPosh prompt tweaking tool  (aka OMP) to update itself. But there’s a trick involved in getting WinGet to recognize an update has occurred. I call it an “update hangover.” Apparently the local copy of the WinGet source list itself needs a reset before it catches up with what’s happened. (That list provides the basis from which it decides what’s fresh and what needs updating.) Let me explain — and show — how I got this OhMyPosh auto update hangover fixed.

Getting OhMyPosh Auto Update Hangover Fixed

Take a look at the screencap in the lead-in graphic. Before this sequence occurred, OMP told me as the PowerShell session started up that it was updating itself to version 24.18.1. You’ll notice that selfsame “Available” version according to WinGet upgrade output right at the head of that PowerShell command sequence.

Keep reading. Note that the output for oh-my-posh –version also reads 24.18.1. Thus, OMP is already upgraded and already current. But after I complete the valid remaining upgrade manually (for Microsoft.WindowsADK), another simple upgrade check shows that WinGet thinks OMP still needs that upgrade.

What to do? I try basic winget source reset — which attempts a reset for the winget and msstore sources — but the command output tells me the directive requires the –force option to work. So that’s what I try next:

winget source reset –name winget –force

As you can see when I do the next upgrade check after that, WinGet now reports “No installed package found matching input criteria.” That means it no longer sees OMP as a legit update target. Fixed!

Now, I wonder if Jan DeDobbeleer can figure out a way to reset the local list of packages for comparison to the WinGet source as part of his auto-update function. Probably not: knowing his thorough and deliberate approach to this package, he’d have done it already were that possible.



First TB5 NVMe SSD Enclosures Drop

OK then, I knew it was coming. The Thunderbolt 5 (TB5) and USB5 (aka USB4V2.0) specs got released in September 2023. We’d been expecting 80Gbps devices (including docks, SSD enclosures, dongles, and  so forth) to hit the market by late 2024. Now it looks like that crop is starting to come in. I see an NVMe enclosure model available from Acasis at Newegg (MSRP: $279, limited time deal for $239 — it provides the lead-in graphic image above). I also see a Trebleet model available at Amazon ($199). So as these first TB5 NVMe SSD enclosures drop, I find myself asking: “When will I get a test PC with an 80 Gbps USB-C port?” Good question!

Impact When First TB5 NVMe SSD Enclosures Drop

According to the device info a Newegg and Amazon, these new enclosures offer double the maximum read/write speeds from external NVMe connections. But remember, the whole chain — that is, port to cable to enclosure to embedded SSD — must be ready to accommodate those blistering speeds. Right now, it seems that cables (which usually ship with high end enclosures), enclosures and NVMes (which should ideally be PCIe Gen 4×4 or better) are becoming available.

There’s a bit of a problem on the port side of the chain right now, though. At the moment, only the very newest laptops incorporate USB5/TB5 80Gbps capable USB-C ports. Basically, you’ll have to go out and buy something new to take this I/O chain into your Windows processing stable. And indeed, Qualcomm has not yet incorporated USB5/TB5 controllers into its chipsets, so such a laptop will not come from that branch of the Copilot+ PC family tree, either. Indeed, Copilot tells me the same is true for Intel and AMD based Copilot+ PC hardware right now, too.

Does anybody else see a possible mismatch emerging? I can’t help but believe that leading-edge AI capable PCs should also accommodate the fastest USB-C ports and related I/O chains. It could be that the PC market is about to get more interesting than Microsoft and OEMs want it to be… Who wants to choose between AI-capable and blistering fast I/O: buyers want both!!!

Stay tuned: I’ll keep digging!


New OhMyPosh Version Highlights Auto-Update

As the world returned to a more normal work rhythm yesterday, I found myself fielding various new software updates. Among them, a bump to OhMyPosh version 24.18.0. It wouldn’t work via WinGet because — as you can see in the lead-in graphic — it introduces a “newer version” for its “install technology.” Thus, this new OhMyPosh version highlights auto-update gotcha. I’d already used the oh-my-posh enable upgrade command to automate that process. A new install wipes out that directive.

If New OhMyPosh Version Highlights Auto-Update, Then What?

This got me looking at ways to embed the same information in the omp.json file that drives OhMyPosh configurations. Turns out when a reinstall happens, default configurations are rewritten from scratch. Thus, adding commands to

“auto_upgrade”: true,
“disable_notice”: true,

likewise got wiped from my chosen JanDeDobbelleer.omp.json config file as well. (Add them to the end of that file and you’ll need to drop the second comma, in fact.) What to do?

Turns out a custom config file is left alone when you have to shift from an older install technology to a newer one. Renaming the default config file, adding customizations, and referencing that new name in the invocation for OMP will do the trick. Way to learn, I guess!

Best Gets Better, After Sussing Out the Wrinkles

My fervent thanks to Jan DeDobbelleer, the OMP developer and chief steward. There’s seldom anything that goes off with OMP that isn’t addressed in his copious documentation and online interactions with other users. It sometimes takes a little while — about half an hour for this set-to, for example — but I have always been able to figure out and fix whatever gets hinky with OMP. That’s quite a testament to the tool and its builder. Thanks again for everything, Jan!


8GadgetPack Is Now Just GadgetPack

We returned from our holiday travels over the weekend, and I’ve been slowly getting back into the groove here at Chez Tittel. While I didn’t apparently miss many updates or upgrades, one interesting item popped up. Helmut Buhler has renamed his epic 8GadgetPack tool to drop the leading 8 — making it GadgetPack — with a similarly truncated website to match. Hence my claim that 8GadgetPack is now just GadgetPack. But boy, does it bring a lot of welcome changes, too. Let me explain.

If 8GadgetPack Is Now Just GadgetPack, Changes Follow

You can see the complete list of changes to this essential Windows toolkit (IMHO, anway) in its December 25 changelog entry. But a quick look at the lead-in graphic shows some changes emphatically. The new version is at left, and the old at right, showing my go-to gadgets on Windows physical and virtual desktops everywhere. You can see a newer, more stripped-down approach to those tools, especially the Clock. Simply put, Buhler has updated icons, gadgets and controls (now called settings) to mesh more directly with standard Windows 10 and 11 UI stuff. It looks great, too.

Clock is simpler, sparer and feels less dated.

What Else Ya Got?

The changelog entry for 12/25 cites to updated graphics for “many gadgets, gadget icons, gadget grip buttons and the GadgetPack installer itself.” This is no exaggeration. The program is updated and refreshed throughout. The version number is now up to 38.0, too. For those who already use this tool, this is a must-have update. For those who’ve yet to take it for a spin, it’s even more worth doing than it was before.

A great Christmas present for Windows-heads everywhere. Thanks for your hard work, and a great update, Mr. Buhler!


Eliciting Windows Store App Version Info

Here’s an interesting thing. For conventional Windows applications, a quick trip to Help > About is all it usually takes to see their version info. Alas, by and large, Windows apps lack such facilities. In reading about a recent update to the Phone Link app at WinAero this morning, I went looking at my various installations to see what I could see. Turns out that eliciting Windows Store app version info is doable, but may take a little finesse. I found two can’t-fail methods, which I will share here.

Why I’m Eliciting Windows Store App Version Info

The afore-linked WinAero study avers, and my own checks confirm, that only Insider versions of Windows 11 currently get the required version of Phone Link. Indeed, Phone Link’s version number must be 1.24112.73.0 or higher on the PC for the new pop-up share file menu to pop up. This raised the question: how to check Phone App version number in particular, and Store app numbers in general.

I found two relatively easy ways, neither of them glaringly obvious:

[Method 1] Use the WinGet list command, e.g. WinGet list “Phone Link” in this case (because the name includes an interior space, it must be enclosed in single or double quote marks).

The version on this Canary PC is 1.24112.89.0.

[Method 2] Visit the Microsoft Store, and look it up on its product page there. Some scrolling (look for the “Additional information” subheading) is required. Using the Phone Link entry as an example, here’s what you see:

Version number is at lower right.

Store Lookup Gets Weird

I wasn’t able to look Phone Link up using Windows Store search. I had to go to the Downloads icon in the left-hand column and look for the most recent update to Phone Link  there. That took me to the product page where I grabbed for foregoing information, including version number.  And when I asked Copilot to give a link it gave me something different instead “Sync your PC and phone easily with Phone link.” It includes a link to open the Phone Link app (Open-URL:ms-phone) which seems to indicate that while the Phone Link app gets updates from the Store, it comes pre-installed through some other means. Go figure!

What an interesting ride this one turned out to be…

Concluding Hilarious and Unscientific Postscript

Just for grins I asked Copilot “What version of Phone Link is running?” It gave the right answer too. So there’s a third possible method. But when asked what version of Copilot was running Copilot sez: “While I don’t have specific version details, I am always here to provide accurate information and support.” I have to laugh!


MS PC Manager Keeps Improving

When I first came across it a little over two years ago, Microsoft PC Manager was kind of an awkward curiosity. It had just been translated from Chinese into English, and it showed. The very first version had been out since February 2022, with the latter following in October that same year. In the 25+ months since then, the program has matured, improved and gotten much faster. You can see its MS Store info line in the lead-in graphic, which shows a new release a couple of days ago (12/10/2024).

Why Say: MS PC Manager Keeps Improving

I just used that latest version to clean up 3.2 GB from the ThinkPad P16 Gen 1 Mobile Workstation. It took under a minute to scan for stuff to clean, and less than that to do the actual clean-up. It’s much faster than Disk Cleanup (or the GitHub version, Managed Disk Clean) and does lots of other stuff, too. A recent clean-up shows a nice overview of those other capabilities in the left-hand column:

PMC quickly recovered 3.2 or 3.6 “cleanable” space.

The left-hand headings lead to general functionality that I’ll also list briefly:

  • Home: PC boost cleans memory, kills temp files; further links to Health Check, Process and Startup tabs in Task Manager, Deep Cleanup
  • Protection: Virus & threat protection, Windows update, Default browser settings, Taskbar repair, Restore default apps, Pop-up management
  • Storage: Deep cleanup, Downloaded files, Large Files, Duplicate files, Storage Sense
  • App management: Process management, Startup apps, Uninstall apps, Microsoft Store
  • Toolbox: Windows tools (e.g. screenshot, recorder, captions, …); Web tools (e.g. Edge Quick Links, Bing translator, currency converter…); Custom links (e.g. MSN)
  • Restore:Restore default settings throughout
  • Settings: PCM settings for boost, shortcus, general
  • Feedback: PCM feedback a la Feedback Hub

Sure, there’s some duplication in there. But the fractured English of yore is now as polished as help messages ever get. The tool could be an admirable clearinghouse for all kinds of Windows management, as you can see in the preceding annotated list. At any rate, I find it increasingly useful and helpful. If you try it out, you may find it does more — and faster — that you think it could.


OMP Changes Update Handling

I should have seen this one coming. Jan De Dobbeleer’s excellent Oh My Posh (OMP) prompt glyph handling (for PowerShell on Windows Terminal in my case) is going through lots of changes lately. Among those is an “upgrade” option in its configuration file. I’d seen prompts about it awhile back (September, perhaps?) but hadn’t take the time to investigate. But when OMP changes updated handling, I did so. Turns out it’s dead easy and I should’ve done it right away. Live and learn, right? The lead-in graphic shows how easy: a one-liner OMP instruction: oh-my-posh enable upgrade. Done!

Avoiding How OMP Changes Update Handling Brings Trouble

The next screencap shows the pickle I put myself in yesterday. The latest OMG update (v24.12.0) uses a different install technology from the previous version, so handling it via WinGet meant an uninstall/install manuever. You can see what happened when I did that.

After uninstalling OMP, the Terminal startup can’t initialize it.

After uninstalling OMP, Windows Terminal can’t execute its initialization (’cause there’s nothing to initialize). And when I install it, it won’t run in that Terminal window (or pane). It must be invoked. That’s why I opened a second terminal session (right-hand pane) so OMP would actually load and run. Simply enabling OMP to update itself via the aforementioned command is a heck of a lot easier, and far less disconcerting.

Now, I need to go through and do this on all of my Windows PCs with OMP installed (the vast majority, in fact). Again: I should’ve done it right away. Maybe that’s the moral of the story…


Power Options Get Missing Plans

I was just reading a Ghacks story about enabling the Ultimate Performance plan in Power Options. But when I fired up Control Panel > Power Options, I saw that Lenovo had endowed its killer ThinkPad P16 Gen 1 Mobile workstation with exactly one power plan — namely, Balanced. To make sure Power Options gets missing plans, I had to do a little research and some simple PowerShell command magic. Here goes…

Here’s How Power Options Get Missing Plans

The syntax for adding a Power Plan requires a specific powercfg command to add it to a system — namely

powercfg -duplicatescheme GUID

That makes knowing those GUID (globally unique identifiers) important, so you’ll find those values in the table in the lead-in graphic for all the well-known Windows 10 and 11 Power Plans.

Another handy powercfg command lets you choose the Power Plan you wish to run

powercfg -setactive GUID

To save you any contortions you might otherwise need to get those GUIDs from the lead-in screencap, here’s a list of text values. Cut’n’paste them with my blessing…

Balanced 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e
High Performance 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c
Power Saver a1841308-3541-4fab-bc81-f71556f20b4a
Ultimate Performance 15c9c4f6-8a2b-4a3f-bfcd-6b8d6b8f7e5c

P16 Shows Two — and Only Two — Plans in Power Options

For some odd reason, the P16 Mobile Workstation only shows two Power Plans in Power Options (see screencap below). Of course given that it’s a MOBILE WORKSTATION I simply must run “Ultimate Peformance.” You see the results from that PC next with that peerless Power Plan selected. Basta!

A Mobile Workstation needs Ultimate Performance. Here ’tis!

If I add any plan other than Balanced, it knocks the other one (e.g. High Performance, Power Saver or Ultimate Performance) out of the collection. Indeed powercfg /list only shows the same two that appear in the Power Options screen (like the preceding screencap). Copilot says that’s probably owing to manufacturer overrides (likely), WU items (possible), registry settings (possible), or the presence of modern standby mode (possible).

I now know how to fire up any specific power plan I might want to use, so I’m not inclined to hare off after that range of possibilities. I’ll ask the reviews engineering team at Lenovo about this the next time we chat. If I learn anything useful, I’ll add it to this post. Stay tuned!


Quick WinGet Post-Thanks Catch-Up

Today’s my first day back in the saddle after a blissfully long weekend. It started Tuesday, November 26 and ended this morning (December 2: 6 days). Interestingly it looks like most other outfits were lollygagging around as well. Indeed, I assert that’s why I had such a quick winget post-thanks catch-up.  Running over the fleet this morning, it averaged 6-7 updates (min: 5, max: 8, most 6 or 7).

Explaining Quick WinGet Post-Thanks Catch-Up

As I said already, I’m quite sure the fallow period that precedes and accompanies a major hiatus (or holiday) is the culprit. To me, that explains little or no change over the past 6 days. That said,  a little bit of everything shows up on update lists. That includes 7-Zip, CrystalDisk (Mark and Info), TeamViewer, Visual Studio, OhMyPosh and more. For me, they are all very much among the “usual suspects” when WinGet does its thing.

And I think there’s more like that to come. The frequency and heft of updates in the period from now until after 2025 pops in will no doubt drop. It’s a simple outcome of the way business gets done around the globe. I hope that gives me more time to play with other stuff. Why? I’ve got two loaner units from Lenovo — a ThinkBook and a ThinkStation — that I need to set up, review, and return to sender.

That should keep me busy, right? Glad to be back at work, and hopeful that 2024 may go out on a happy note. Let’s see, shall we?

