Category Archives: Windows 11

WU Update Connectivity 8 Hours vs Minutes

OK, so it’s “Patch Tuesday” once again. I’m updating my fleet of 10 PCs. I’ve got one eye on the clock and the other on a recent article from WindowsLatest. It’s entitled Microsoft: Windows 10, Windows 11 need eight hours online to deploy updates. As I update my various Windows 10 and 11 PCs I’m seeing times in minutes, not hours. Why assert WU update connectivity 8 hours vs minutes?

Why Is WU Update Connectivity 8 Hours?

As I’m timing my various machines, the X1 Carbon took about 7 minutes to handle the updates from start to finish. My production desktop is at 11 minutes and counting. What does the story say? Here’s the most salient quote (emphasis mine):

Your device should be online for at least eight hours to process Windows cumulative or feature updates properly. This period is called ‘Update Connectivity’ and eight hours is necessary to get the latest updates from Microsoft’s servers and successfully install them.

I can only understand this one way. This is the interval that’s needed when the user doesn’t initiate updates. It sure doesn’t take that long when one requests an update from WU. My production PC (i7-6700) took 15 minutes to get to the “Restart required” notification. Prior experience says it will take another 5 minutes, max to the desktop. So why 8 hours? It gets more interesting, as recited next…

More Interesting Quotes

“The Update Connectivity period includes a minimum of two continuous connected hours and six total connected hours after an update is available for download.

Specifically, data shows that devices need a minimum of two continuous connected hours, and six total connected hours after an update is released to reliably update. “This allows for a successful download and background installations that are able to restart or resume once a device is active and connected,” Microsoft noted in a new blog post.

What does this mean?

It means it’s best to leave PCs connected to the Internet when the Internet is the source of updates for those selfsame PCs. Those who use their own servers to push updates (or other means of update distribution) won’t be subject to the same limitations. Fascinating, though: who knew?


MS Defender Preview Accepts Personal MSAs

Hoo boy! I’ve been checking in on the Store-based version of the Microsoft Defender Preview since last November. Until this morning, I had no luck getting this cross-platform, multi-device app working. After seeing a story in WindowsUpdate minutes ago, I zipped into the MS Store to try again. And indeed, now that MS Defender Preview accepts personal MSAs (Microsoft Accounts) it appears to be working!

If MS Defender Accepts Personal MSAs, Anybody Can Use It

In the next screencap you can see the dashboard screen from the Microsoft Defender Preview. One must, however, also install this app on other devices before they show up on this dashboard. So naturally, I dashed over to my other Dev Channel test machine (via RDP, no physical movement needed) and used the URL to go straight to the app in Store:

MS Defender Preview Accepts Personal MSAs.dashboard

The dashboard doesn’t look like much until you start adding devices. [Click image for full-sized view.]

After a quick  update, I opened the newest version to see the initial welcome screen I missed on my first MS Defender Preview encounter. I signed up with the same MSA (so both devices would show up on a single dashboard: IDs are deliberately obscured).

To see devices on the same dashboard, you must associate them with a common MSA. [Click image for full-sized view.]

With Time and Exposure, More to Come

That’s about all I have time to deal with this morning. I’m tightly wrapped in legal business this week, so my posts will be short and less frequent than usual. This opening up of the preview, however, was big enough news that I had to share. Check it out, and have fun!


Windows Insiders Will Get New Experiences

It seems that Windows Experience Packs remain atop recent Windows news. On February 3, Windows Insiders lead Amanda Langowski posted to the Windows blog. It’s chock full of interesting tidbits, and worth a read. Among those were a new Insiders logo (appears as this post’s lead-in graphic; click here for full-sized view). Another is quotable: “We will deliver updates to features and experiences in builds from the Dev and Beta Channels by releasing Feature, Web, and Online Service Experience Packs on top of these builds too.” (Emphasis mine.) Hence, my claim that Windows Insiders will get new Experiences in 2022.

If Windows Insiders Will Get New Experiences, Then What?

I guess we’ll have to wait and see. But there’s been plenty of talk about Experience Packs over the last year. Likewise, plenty of experiments with same, but nothing substantial or tangible by way of results. I think what Ms. Langowski said means that we will see such results via all three types of experience packs this year.

I, for one, can’t wait. I’ve been watching this phenomenon work its way into public view since it got started. I’m more than curious to see what will come of this effort. Because it’s intended to provide a pipeline to deliver new features and functions to Windows without having to wait for a now-annual feature update, I’m tantalized by what this could mean for — and bring to — Windows users.

As an Insider (and an Insider MVP) I have deliberately put myself in the line of fire to help MS get this working as well as possible. I’m trembling with anticipation to see how it all works. I’m curious to learn what kinds of hiccups or bumps in the road Experience Packs might bring. And I’m resolved to do my bit with Feedback Hub reports and hopefully helpful blog posts and articles to steer this effort to a successful conclusion.

Stay tuned: this should be fun!

[Note Added: January 6, 2022]

Mary Jo Foley has published a ZDNet article on this topic. It’s entitled Microsoft: Here’s how Windows 11 will get new features. In that story, she provides a great explanation of the three types of Experience packs, as best as MS prior statements will allow. Check it out for more information on feature experience packs, online service experience packs, and the still-mysterious web experience packs. Good stuff. Thanks be to MJF!


AdDuplex Store Apps and Windows 11 Marketshare

Every time AdDuplex reports a Windows 11 marketshare analysis these days, I groan and laugh at the same time. Why? Because IMO the AdDuplex data is deeply questionable. Here’s an explanatory quote, straight from the latest report page. It reads “This report is based on data collected from around 5,000 Windows Store apps running AdDuplex SDK v.2 (and higher). The raw data analyzed was collected over the day of January 27th, 2022.” To me, putting AdDuplex Store apps and Windows 11 marketshare together is a profound crapshoot. Let me explain,,,

Why Makes AdDuplex Store Apps and Windows 11 Marketshare Dicey?

Marketshare numbers need context to make sense. LOTS of context. Sure, AdDuplex promotes 5K apps through its network. But even its own home page says “3+K Active apps.” Thus, we know 2 of that 5K don’t contribute much data to the overall mix.

Nowhere can I find AdDuplex info that says how many total PCs (or VM equivalents) are running those Store apps. Indeed, one PC can (and usually does) run multiple apps. Consequently, the number of PCs could be significantly smaller than the  app count. I just can’t tell.

What Other Tracking Sites Say…

And then, there are other sources for OS marketshare, too. None come close to the numbers AdDuplex routinely reports. Here are some of my faves, with their percentages (or lack thereof):

1. Visit the site, and search its “Operating System Share by Version” listing for Oct 21 – Jan 22. Windows 11 appears nowhere in the first 50 entries. Spot 50 is Red Hat (Linux, presumably) at 0.00%.

2. Statcounter (GlobalStats) offers a Desktop Windows Version Market Share Worldwide chart. Targeting the same date range (Jan-Dec 2021), Windows 11 shows up on 2.43% of Windows desktops

3. FWIW, it doesn’t show up on Statista’s radar, either. But you really can’t see details there unless you pay for that privilege. To give you an idea of their perspective, the URL for this page still includes Windows 7 in its final string element.

4. HostingTribunal also posts similar numbers. But they haven’t been updated recently enough (current version is dated Sept 1, 2021) to take cognizance of Windows 11. (It went out into public release the following month.)

5. The site tracks visitors to US government websites. It shows between 0.7M and 2.2M of them daily. It also doesn’t register Windows 11 as a distinct desktop OS. It still lumps Windows 11 into its “Other” category which accounts for 0.2% of all visitors (about 0.6% of Windows-only visitors).

MS Keeps Mum

Microsoft isn’t saying how many of the 1.4B monthly active users of some current form of Windows run 11, either. My best guess is that number is likely somewhere between 50 and 100M. But that’s a wide range of possibilities, and a high level of uncertainty.

What 16.1% Could Mean Is Crazy

If we take AdDuplex numbers at face value, 16.1% of 1.4B is 225M (rounded down). I have trouble swallowing that as a realistic estimate for the total Windows 11 population. Given that Windows 11 isn’t even registering 1% anywhere else, I’m unconvinced. The other sites count things differently. AFAIK, they survey larger populations, too. But even 1% of 1.4B is 14 million, so it’s not chump change…

Go figure!



Another Missed Windows 11 Experience Update?

Last Thursday (Jan 27) I wrote about speculations that upcoming updates planned for February might come as an “Experience Pack.” Over the weekend,  Paul Thurrott opined on another missed Windows 11 Experience update. Preview Update for Windows 11 (KB5008353) includes settings changes for the logged-in Windows user’s account. It’s called “Your Microsoft Account.”

What Makes This Another Missed Windows 11 Experience Update?

In his story, Thurrott observes — and quotes from — an October 2021 announcement. Therein, MS promised changes for “Your Microsoft Account” in Settings.  They would arrive via upcoming Online Service Experience Packs. Ha! Not happening yet, apparently. The first such change appeared in KB5008353 on January 25 in a conventional CU.

But it’s just a small incremental change. Other changes should follow. Perhaps one of them might will arrive in an Experience Pack? In the MS October item, the newly reworked YMA looks like this (mine is the lead-in graphic for this story):

Another Missed Windows 11 Experience Update.promised

Here’s what MS promised in October; what I see on my test PC appears as the lead graphic above [Click to see full-sized].

Yet Again, I’m Not an Early Arriver

This may be another gradual feature rollout. And apparently, I’m not in the first group of recipients. My “Your Microsoft Account” still remains unchanged. Aside from being unsurprised, I’m curious to see how long it takes for the new feature to make its way into general distribution. Stay tuned: I’ll keep you posted.

And remember, there’s always something odd or interesting going on here in Windows World. This is the kind of thing that keeps me intrigued and engaged. Thus: never a dull moment here at Chez Tittel. Thanks also to Mr. Thurrott for bringing this missed opportunity to my attention. Good stuff!


Windows 11 Goes Into Broad Deployment

On January 26, MS updated its Windows 11 Known Issues and Notifications web page. I’ve reproduced that notification block from that document below. Why do I say “Windows 11 goes into broad deployment?” Because of the first sentence in that block. It reads:

The upgrade offer to Windows 11 is entering its final phase of availability and is designated for broad deployment for eligible devices*.

Here’s what the whole shebang looks like:

Windows 11 Goes Into Broad Deployment.notification
Windows 11 goes into general release: open to the (qualified) public. (Click to view full-sized).

What Windows 11 Goes Into Broad Deployment Means

First, it means most PCs that meet 11’s minimum requirements running Windows 10 get the offer. No more guessing when it might appear. That phase is over. If your PC qualifies, you can upgrade if you like.

Second, this is an inducement to those running older Windows 10 versions to catch up. Only Windows 10 PCs on version 2004 (or newer) get the offer.

Third, the notification block includes various helpful links with useful info designed to spur user uptake, such as:

Who’s the Target Audience?

This appeal to upgrade to Windows 11 is aimed at the lower end of the Windows market. That means individuals, families, and small businesses. We haven’t really seen a major business upgrade push just yet. MS will no doubt launch that intitiative in a big way after the so-called 22H2 release (the “next feature upgrade”) emerges later this year. Why? Because businesses usually wait for a first big update before planning any major migrations. Time will tell. Stay tuned!



New Windows Experiences Coming February

It’s always fun to see Windows watchers read between the lines. Take, for example, Panos Panay’s January 26 blog post “A new era of the PC.” When I say new Windows Experiences coming February, I’m abridging this paragraph near the end of that piece (bold emphasis mine):

Next month we’re bringing new experiences to Windows that include a public preview of how you can use AndroidTM apps on Windows 11 through the Microsoft Store and our partnerships with Amazon and Intel, taskbar improvements with call mute and unmute, easier window sharing and bringing weather to the taskbar, plus the introduction of two new redesigned apps, Notepad and Media Player.

New Windows Experiences Coming February Means?

Interestingly, WindowsLatest takes this wording to mean something more specific. That story’s author, Mayank Pamar, observes:

For those unaware, Microsoft made a change to the way it delivers updates with a new feature called Experience Packs.

With Experience Packs and Microsoft Store, Microsoft could release new features and update existing apps individually, rather than pushing out a major OS update. Microsoft hasn’t had much luck with large Windows feature updates, so the company wants to push some features independent of big Windows Updates.

I don’t see anything in Mr. Panay’s blog post to support these assertions. That said, this does make sense. I, too, have been waiting for MS to put Experience Packs to more strenuous and active use. So far, it’s mostly been a series of testing exercises, with little obvious change to apps and features in their wake.

Could This Be a “REAL” Experience Pack?

Gosh, I hope so. But official word is not available, so this possibility is something of a speculation. I’ll be watching to see what happens in February, and tickled indeed if the Windows Experience Pack brings real, noticeable changes to Windows 11 apps and features. Stay tuned!

Here’s a June 2021 Windows Feature Experience Pack release announcement. It explains a bit of what this kind of thing is intended to do , and support. Interesting reading!


Pondering 1.4B Active Monthly Users

OK, then: MS held its latest earnings call on January 25, to disclose Q2 FY’22 results with investors. One of the interesting nuggets that emerged was a claim I’m pondering  1.4B Active Monthly Users. Apparently, as Frank Shaw reported on Twitter, that includes both Windows 10 and Windows 11 users. Further reporting at OnMSFT indicates this number also include Hololens and Xbox devices as well. This is an interesting number, for a variety of reasons. Let me explain…

When Pondering 1.4B Active Monthly Users, What’s Involved?

First thing: On April 27, 2021, MS published an assertion that there were 1.3 B devices running Windows 10. Thus, the 2022 number represents a “mere” increase of 100M.

Second thing: The latest claim from the earnings call includes both Windows 10 and 11 devices in the newer 1.4 B number.

Third thing, in December 2020,  Statista reported over 100M active Xbox network subscribers.

Fourth thing, the best current estimate of Hololens sales comes from website as of December 2021. It guesstimates that “total hololens devices sold, as per the available public sources, is around 520,000 devices.” Let’s say 0.5M, in round numbers.

What Do These Numbers Say?

Let’s assume no Xbox growth since December 2020, and discount Hololens completely (0.5M isn’t even a blip against 1.4B). My take: there has been no overall growth in active monthly Windows users since April 2021. My Xbox assumption is arguable, in fact. MS reported a 10% increase in Xbox content and services in the latest earnings call.

Even so, it looks like the Windows population may have peaked. My best guess: over time, Windows 11 growth will come mostly from Windows 10 upgrades or PC replacements.

What about new PC sales? forecasts an 8.6% year-over-year drop in PC sales for 2022. Against projected sales of 344.7M for 2021, that translates into 315M new PCs sold.

How much of this translates into new Windows 10 or 11 users, and how much into an old license decommissioned instead? I don’t see ready numbers on this. But conventional wisdom says that PCs should be replaced every 4 years. Global PC gamers alone account for about around 1.7B users (Statista). Figure another 1 B non-gaming users around the world, and 25% of that total (675 M), dwarfs projected 2022 PC sales.

That’s my basis for suggesting that Windows may have reached its peak. Could I be wrong? Sure. But think about the overall context, and the relentless advance of smartphones vs. PCs. Time will tell, but I stand by my analysis. ‘Nuff said.

[Note Added Jan 27] For a completely different take on these numbers and what they mean, see Paul Thurrott’s Jan 26 story: 1.4 Billion. He sees the numbers going up overall, despite an apparent decline in official, reported numbers. Check it out.


Build 22535 Throws Regular backgroundTaskHost.exe Failures

Ouch! Take a look at the error list from one of my two Dev Channel PCs (for January 21). You can’t help but notice 6 of 7 errors relate to backgroundTaskHost.exe. Ditto for how lousy the experience index remains (under 4 all days showing). Indeed, Dev Channel Build 22535 throws regular backgroundTaskHost.exe failures on both of my test PCs. I’ve reported it to Feedback hub, and am hoping somebody’s looking into it.

What to Do When Build 22535 Throws Regular backgroundTaskHost.exe Failures

Looking around online, I don’t see much by way of relief for workarounds or registry hacks. Here’s some representative detail from Reliability Monitor, from which I’ll point out recurrent elements:

Build 22535 Throws Regular backgroundTaskHost.exe Failures.details

Detail on these errors from ReliMon is more alike than different

Common elements include:

  • Exception Code: 0XC0000005
  • Application path: C:\Windows\System32\backgroundTaskHost.exe
  • Faulting module path: C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll
  • Faulting…full name: includes ContentDeliveryManager

Understanding the Error

The error code, often abbreviated 0X5, when checked in the MS Error Lookup Tool returns status value: ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. The same thing comes up in the System Error Codes for values 0-499. According to the WikiFixes Ox5 page, this may be caused by a system component or application malfunction or corruption. In this case, I’m looking at backgroundTaskHost.exe and msvcrt.dll (part of the MS Visual C++ runtime and compiler) as potential culprits.

Having run both disk ... /restorehealth and SFC /scannow on the affected PCs, I don’t think the .exe or the .dll files are damaged or corrupted. My best guess is that something is off with the build itself, and that MS will have to find and fix the problem. Funny thing is, my 22535 builds appear to work well otherwise, and don’t manifest obvious runtime issues or problems. Interesting, eh?

Let’s see what happens when word of this gets out further. I’ll keep you posted as things change.


Self-inducing Windows 10 keyboard output delays

Recently, while troubleshooting an issue on Windows 10 where Zoom kept crashing unexepectedly, I observed something even more vexing. The cure for that specific issue is to turn Video Conference Mute off in PowerToys (on by default). But as soon as one does that, keyboard input slows to a crawl. Indeed, when self-inducing Windows 10 keyboard output delays that way, it can take seconds for a keystroke to appear on-screen. If you type even modestly fast (like me) that means you can finish a whole sentence before output shows up on screen. When you make occasional typos — as I sometimes do (1 in this sentence so far) — that’s immensely frustrating.

When Self-inducing Windows 10 Keyboard Output Delays, Easy Fix

At first, I tried restarting the Explorer task in Task Manager. That sometimes helps when such symptoms appear. Not this time. The next standard fix is a system restart. And indeed, that did the trick for me.

I know that PowerToys ties into Windows at a pretty deep level. I’m guessing that turning default settings off in the program may change low-level system behaviors. Apparently, the Video Conference Mute change is discombobulating enough to change the delay involved in keyboard echo (the time it takes for a keypress value to show up on screen).

Another “Interesting” Issue Caught and Killed

This happens only on Windows 10, though. I tried the same changes on Windows 11, and it didn’t affect keyboard output at all. On Windows 10, I first noticed it in the WordPress editor. But then, it showed up in Outlook and Word — and even, Notepad — so I assumed it was an across-the-board thing.

Thus, I’m glad that an old standby in whacking Windows weirdnesses — namely, a restart — fixed the issue on my production PC. I use that machine all day long, every day, and mostly enter text on a keyboard for a living. Thus, fixing anything that slows down text entry is of major importance — to me, at least.

Stay tuned. As things are always interesting with Windows in some odd way or another, this is a thread I’ll have no trouble adding to in my daily writing. As Roseanne Roseannadanna often said on SNL: “It’s always something!” Too true…
